Photo Prints Under Acrylic Glass

Hiking seven miles with twenty pounds of camera gear or lugging SCUBA and underwater camera housing halfway around to create an image is the entry price for any photographer. The reward comes when you see all of your time and effort mounted on the wall in a gallery or someone's home, and the vision or moment you set out to capture evokes passion in the viewer.

Since the inception of Jonathan Gardner Photography, we have offered limited edition prints, developed, printed, and inspected in-house. Each image printed on paper was selected to match the image individually. While this limited the size of prints possible, it ensured the quality we delivered for our images matched our client's expectations. Our clients have asked for larger sizes, and we have provided those on a per-request basis until now.

We are excited to announce that we now offer prints in larger sizes in gallery quality ultraHD Photo Prints. Images are printed on Fuji's Crystal Professional Archive Maxima Paper. This paper is specifically designed to showcase the contrast and luminosity in our pictures. All prints are mounted to an aluminum backing covered with 1/8 inch (4 mm) Acrylic Glass that adds depth and protection to the print. Prints will come with an aluminum rail system to securely mount the images.

Jonathan Gardner

Nature photographer specializing in wildlife and landscape photography. Broken rugby player. Beer snob. Spicy food lover. Based in the Pacific Northwest.


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